Project Overview:


Maritime Engineers and Consultants at Glosten noticed a gap in the marketplace. Together they form the company oneTank. Using their experience at Glosten, the team developed a Ballast Water Treatment System (BWTS) that was easy to maintain, had a low power consumption, and was simple enough for an individual to install themselves.

While the system was currently undergoing a testing and approval process in the US, the oneTank team decided to focus on increasing their digital presence. They turned to our team to help redesign their website in order to support sales content, collect emails, and drive conversions.




The Challenge

My team and I were responsible for understanding the users’ needs, wants and frustrations about the current purchasing process of ballast water treatment systems.

Problem Statement : “Vessel owners need a straightforward way to purchase ballast water treatment systems online because the current marketplace lacks transparency which makes it difficult to address their vessels’ needs”

Our goal was to improve their current website, add an eCommerce element for purchasing ballast water treatment systems, and use information architecture to provide the user with all the necessary information to increase email collections and deposits on the oneTank system.


  1. Organize oneTanks’s informational architecture in a way that is understanding and easy to digest to encourage users to sign up for emails or an account for additional information.
  2. Design an eCommerce component that is transparent about its price and features to motivate their target market to place a $100 on oneTanks BWTS.
  3. Build trust, transparency, and ease for a traditionally complex system.

User Research Phase

What is a Ballast Water Treatment System?

Who are the Competitors?

View fullsizeDirect Competitor: Alfa Laval Pure Ballast, Optimarin BWMS, EVAC, Bio-UV Compact Unit and Ecochlor Indirect Competitors: Tesla and Kickstarter